Given the ongoing energy crisis, the accelerating climate change, and experience from the pandemic forcing us indoors and increasing disparities, it is once more time to ask: in which way should we approach the provision of indoor climatic conditions? Which approach makes us humans within the human-built environmental system most resilient in face of these challenges?

Current solutions usually address singular sensory stimuli like thermal triggers alone; however, humans are constantly exposed to multiple stimuli like temperature-related triggers, light, noise and air pollution, which interact with each other. With a focus on Europe’s existing buildings, the MuSIC project envisions cities with indoor and outdoor spaces that are more liveable and sustainable.
- train top-level early-carrier researchers and highly qualified professionals with high expertise in the fields of human physiology, human perception, human health, thermophysiologicalmodelling, psychophysical modelling, interface design, passive and hybrid building strategies, energy efficient building solutions, building energy performance simulation, and self sensing technologies
- increase the employability and help satisfying the rising demand for such qualified researchers and professionals making them ready to join industries, companies, research centres, universities and local or national management institutions related to the MuSIC topics
- push forward the scientific frontiers of passive and hybrid design and operation solutions to provide European and other citizens with more liveable environments and more predictable, acceptable and sustainable solutions to increase the resilience in face of climate change
- consolidate and expand the network of collaborations among the partners through the creation of an integrated, long-term research and training base in the EU that brings togetheruniversities, research institutes, industrial companies and stakeholders active in key research,development and management disciplines
- enhance academia-industry Transfer of Knowledge in both directions and obtain full value from the network by disseminating results in open access peer-reviewed scientific journals, trade magazines and international conferences and developing innovative solutions for passive and hybrid solutions of the future
- The ultimate objective of MuSIC is to train new professionals able to provide future generations with more liveable and sustainable indoor and outdoor spaces in cities by applying solutions developed through cutting-edge, multisensory and multi-dimensional research and industrial development

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (G.A. n. 101073357).