Keep up to date with MuSIC activities and events here and on our social media pages.

MuSIC DCs at the XXIV National Congress in Perugia, April 2024

The XXIV National Congress CIRIAF – Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection and Human Health was hosted at UNIPG on 11th April 2024. Three MuSIC DCs, DC 3 Christos Grapas and DC 1 Puneet Tomar from UNIPG and DC9 Toka Amer from EValTech R&D, participated in a dedicated session for PhD student project presentations and idea sharing, in which they each had five minutes to present their research projects, findings and discuss their goals, plus take part in an interactive Q&A session. The event took place at the Aula Magna of the Engineering Department of the Perugia University (Via Goffredo Duranti, 93, 06125 Perugia PG). 

1st MuSIC Training Week

The 1st MuSIC Training Week took place in Perugia, Italy, on 15th-19th January 2024. The event was a great opportunity for the newly recruited Doctoral Candidates to have the chance (i) to physically meet each other, the MuSIC supervisors and co-supervisors belonging to partner institutions, (ii) to attend the NetScrum activity, (iii) to attend the scientific workshop, and 10 training modules that consisted of (iv) 8 Scientific & Technological Training modules and (v) 2 Transferable Skills Training modules. Invited guest Professor Ardeshir Mahdavi presented a workshop “Toward a science of occupant-centric environments”. Participants were also given a tour of the EValTech R&D Living Lab, showcasing its cutting edge, sustainable infrastructure and monitoring systems for environmental comfort. Hosted by Universita’ degli Studi di Perugia and EValTech R&D, the attendees were given a tour of the historic centre of Perugia and a gala dinner, wine tasting and tour at the impressive Tabarrini Winery in Montefalco. The whole week offered a collaborative, social environment for the MuSIC partners and DCs to get to know each other and explore their research projects. We look forward to the 2nd MuSIC Training Week, hosted by La Rochelle Universite, France, in May 2024.

Launch of MuSIC YouTube Miniseries

November 2023 saw the launch of the first YouTube Miniseries on the dedicated MuSIC YouTube channel. In this series, each MuSIC DC presents their own research project via a short film. Each week a new video was uploaded and all the videos can be accessed through the playlist. A new miniseries will be launched in autumn 2024, with updates on the DCs’ research.

Launch of MuSIC Newsletter

From November 2023 the MuSIC Newsletter will be published through LinkedIn. It will highlight research stories from the Doctoral Candidates, updates on secondments and events. Access the newsletter and subscribe!

MuSIC LinkedIn Newsletter

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (G.A. n. 101073357).