Individual Research Projects WP3

The objective of the 6 DCs involved in WP3 is a quantum leap towards passive and hybrid solutions highly acceptable for all sorts of individuals at lowest energy use levels and without rebounds.

DC5. Long-term well-being and health through improved sleep quality

OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify trade-offs between stimuli from different domains (thermal, acoustic) and their individual and interactive effects on sleep quality and additional health-related parameters.

SECONDMENTS: (i) The Cyprus Institute; (ii) VELUX

DC6. Long-term physiological, psychological and behavioural daytime adaptation

OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify long-term physiological, psychological and behavioural adaptive processes due to interactions between stimuli from different domains and their benefits for the acceptance of passive and hybrid solutions and human resilience.

SECONDMENTS: (i) Danmarks Tekniske Universitet; (ii) VELUX (iii) UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN

DC7. Human-centric model-based predictive control of passive and hybrid solutions

OBJECTIVE: To develop personalized and self-learning model-based predictive control algorithms for passive and hybris solutions specifically created considering the humans into the control loop.

SECONDMENTS: (i)  Polytechnic University of Cartagena; (ii) EValTech; (iii)Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

DC8. Advanced communication solutions of price and billing schemes and health information for comfort and behaviour

OBJECTIVE: To quantify associations between indoor environment and energy price and to identify relations between price signals and health-related information and occupants’ perceptions, acceptability and comfort


DC9. Living lab for human comfort and building energy efficiency solutions

OBJECTIVE: Creation of an office living lab for testing innovative solutions in building energy efficiency accounting for human comfort and occupants’ behaviours.


DC10. Human-centric passive and hybrid strategies for adapting buildings and neighbourhoods to the changing climate

OBJECTIVE: To study the adaptation potential of human-centric passive and hybrid strategies for adapting buildings and neighbourhoods to the changing climate.

SECONDMENTS: (i) University of Perugia; (ii) ATI; (iii) HUYGEN ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (G.A. n. 101073357).