The training structure of MuSIC is designed to provide an intersectoral and multidisciplinary exposure at both network and local levels, along with advanced research that will train a new generation of appealing, competitive
and highly-skilled researchers and professionals able to put in practice the MuSIC proposed solutions. The training programme matches the original research with taught modules (Science and technology (S&T) and transferable
skills (TS)), workshops, webinars and local PhD level courses supported by secondments at other academic and non-academic participating organisations.
MuSIC Training Weeks
4 MuSIC Training weeks are the main MuSIC network-wide training events, in additionto webinars and the MuSIC final conference.
Each 5-day MuSIC Training Week starts with the general assembly followed by a series of training courses (scientific and technological training courses as well as transferable skills courses .
This is followed by the scientific workshop with a visiting scientist (VS), which consists of a short input by the VS, followed by a discussion between VS and DCs. The scientific workshop is embedded in the MuSIC Training Weeks
and will be repeated 2 more times (M30, M36) as stand-alone online event for continuous exchange between DCs and external experts. An additional S&T and TS webinar series complement the MuSIC Training Weeks and include 2-h lectures on Urban Heat Island, Urban comfort evaluation, sensing technologies, scientific Career, industry-academy exchange etc.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie (G.A. n. 101073357).